阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River

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阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River
今夏もまた阿多古川でバーベキューしてきました。Again this summer, I enjoyed a bbq party by the Atago River.

阿多古川には、いくつも人気のスポットがありますが… There are many popular spots along the river...

私の茶道仲間のTさんが、川の上流の静か〜な場所にステキな山小屋をお持ちなんです。One of my Chado friends named Mr. T has a nice cabin in the quiet upper reaches of the river.
阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River
この日は、台風一過で川の水位は高め、そのせいか人けがなく、静かでラッキー!As it was soon after a typhoon had passed, the river water was a little higher and it was very quiet without any other people around ... lucky!

山小屋は川から少し離れた山寄りにあるので、デッキに居ると森林浴もできるという贅沢な環境!In these luxurious natural surroundings, we enjoyed a relaxing time in the forest, on the deck of the cabin, located nearby a mountain across from a stream!
阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River
魚介のアヒージョに始まり、馬刺し、初物の秋刀魚、極上牛豚肉いろいろ、そしてインド人Kちゃんの絶品本格タンドリーチキン!We started with seafood ajillo, then horse sashimi, fresh saury, high-quality beef and pork, and finally Indian student K’s delicious, authentic tandoori chicken!

なんて豪華なバーベキュー!What a gorgeous BBQ!

森林浴しながらお腹も心も満たされました〜 Feeling relaxed in the fresh air of the forest, both our stomachs and souls were satisfied ...
阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River
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阿多古川バーベキュー BBQ by Atago River