Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? グーグルで働く


Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? グーグルで働く
I ordered a new book last week after hearing about it on a podcast.

The book is titled, 'Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?' by William Poundstone.
ウィリアム ストーン著、タイトルは'アー ユー スマート イナフ トゥ ワーク アット グーグル(Googleで働けるほどスマートですか)'。

Within the book are many difficult logic puzzles, trick questions, and zen-like riddles.
まるで禅問答のような、難しいロジック パズルがいっぱい。

Goggle receives about a million job applications per year.

It uses these types of questions in job interviews to test the creative thinking ability of potential employees.

An example job interview question used at Google is,

'You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and thrown in a blender. The blades start moving in sixty seconds. What do you do?'

These types of questions are used to test creative thinking during job interviews at some of America's most famous companies.

Google, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, and Hewlett-Packard are a few of the companies employing these types of questions.
グーグル、マイクロソフト、IBM、アップル、ヒューレット パッカード(HP)をはじめとする企業で利用されていることで有名。

Most of these questions don't have any easy answers, in fact the purpose is to see how creative the respondent can be.

I noticed that most questions have some science aspect, something to demonstrate a scientific analysis skills.

But they also have a creative part, usually requiring some 'out of the box' thinking.

As for the blender question, the answer is simple ... jump out.
ミキサーの質問の答えはシンプルで... ジャンプして飛び出る。

All animals that have an ability to jump can leap roughly the same distance (2 meters give or take).

Have you ever seen a grasshopper jump? Or a frog? Or even a flea?

They all jump about as far a distance as a human can, around 2 meters maximum (not proportionally, but in actuality).

This means that smaller animals are proportionally stronger than bigger ones.

We've all heard that ants can carry 10~50 times their body weight right?

This remarkable fact about jumping distance was deduced by Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, an Italian scientist and contemporary of Galileo.
ジャンプ力における、この驚きの説は現代のガリレオと称されるイタリア人科学者、ジョヴァンニ ボレリが唱えたもの。

You can read about Giovanni Alfonso Borelli on Wikipedia in English here.
ジョヴァンニ ボレリについては英語でこちらをご覧いただけます。

So, if your trapped in a blender and only a few centimeters tall, don't worry ... you can jump out easily!
だから、もし小さくなった身長数センチのあなたが罠にかかってミキサーに入れられちゃっても、ご安心あれ... ジャンプして簡単に飛び出せるから!

Presumably, a smart person with a high level of scientific education and creative thinking skills could answer this question correctly.

I didn't know about Borelli or the physics of jumping so I guess I won't be working at Google any time soon.

Oh well, their loss.

The book, however, is very interesting and quite readable, even with all the science and logic explanations.

I recommend the book wholeheartedly and I'll leave you with this question ... 'Can you swim faster in water or syrup?'
コレ、心からオススメしつつ最後に質問をひとつ.. '水とシロップ、どっちの中の方がはやく泳げる?'

Key Vocabulary - 重要な語彙

・podcast ポッドキャスト(アップルが運営する音声配信サービス。日本ではNHKやTOEICのポッドキャストが人気)
・job interview 就職面接試験
・'out of the box' thinking 独創的な考え
・readable 一読の価値あり、なもの
・wholeheartedly 心から
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? グーグルで働く


Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? グーグルで働く